Neuropathy & Neuralgia

Chicago Neurological Services
Dr. Lenny Cohen
Neurology located in Roscoe Village, Chicago, IL & River Forest, IL
If you suffer from neuropathy, you understand the discomfort and challenges it brings to your everyday life. At Chicago Neurological Services in Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois, neurologist Lenny Cohen has studied, diagnosed, and treated neuropathy for more than a decade. With advanced technology and world-class skill, Dr. Cohen can help diagnose and treat your neuropathy. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, call Chicago Neurological Services or use the online booking feature.
Neuropathy & Neuralgia
What is neuropathy?
Neuropathy is a common nervous system condition resulting from diabetes, exposure to toxins, injury, or physical trauma. More than 20 million Americans suffer from neuropathy. The type of neuropathy you have primarily depends on which nerves are involved:
Peripheral neuropathy
In peripheral neuropathy, nerves that make up your peripheral nervous system are damaged. This may lead to pain, numbness, and weakness, especially in your feet and hands. Symptoms may include:
- Muscle weakness or paralysis
- Tingling or numbness in your feet or hand that may spread to your limbs
- Coordination and balance problems
- Sensitivity to touch
- Pain that feels sharp, stabbing, or burning
There may be more than one nerve affected by neuropathy, called either multiple mononeuropathy or polyneuropathy, or a single nerve, called mononeuropathy. An example of mononeuropathy is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), though polyneuropathy is more common.
Autonomic neuropathy
In autonomic neuropathy, the nerves that control involuntary body functions are damaged. It may affect temperature control, blood pressure, bladder function, sexual function, and digestive function. The autonomic nervous system interfaces with your heart, blood vessels, and sweat glands, among other organs and systems.
The symptoms of autonomic neuropathy are dependent on which nerves are affected. These symptoms may include:
- Dizziness and fainting
- Urinary problems
- Sexual problems
- Digestive problems
- Sweating too much or too little
- Exercise intolerance
- Slow pupil response
- Failure to recognize low blood sugar
If you notice any of these signs, seek medical care immediately.
What causes neuropathy?
Diabetes is the most common cause of neuropathy, but many cases result from unknown causes, while other results from multiple causes. Other causes include:
- Autoimmune disorders
- Toxin exposure
- Infections from bacteria or viruses, like Lyme disease, hepatitis C, or shingles
- Vitamin deficiencies
Neuropathy may also result from other diseases, like tumors and bone marrow, or hereditary disorders.
How is neuropathy treated?
Dr. Cohen may diagnose neuropathy following a physical exam, discussion of your full medical history, neurological exam, and a number of other diagnostics that may include:
- Blood tests to detect vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, or autoimmune conditions
- Nerve function tests to assess nerve damage
- Skin biopsy to look for small nerve fiber abnormalities
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment may address the underlying cause, like management of diabetes, or your problematic symptoms.
Dr. Cohen might prescribe medications like pain relievers, anti-seizure drugs, or antidepressants as these medications can help with your symptoms. Specific types of neuropathies might require IV therapy that can be done at on-site intravenous clinic.
If you suffer from neuropathy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cohen by calling Chicago Neurological Services or using the online booking feature.
Conditions and Treatments
Autonomic Testingmore info
EMG/NCVmore info
Hyperbaric Therapy (HBOT)more info
IV Medical Therapymore info
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)more info
Alzheimers & Dementiamore info
Fibromyalgiamore info
Migraines & Headachesmore info
Multiple Sclerosismore info
Neuropathy & Neuralgiamore info